The War On Warriors

The War on Warriors

As I sometimes do, I will introduce and discuss a book which I believe is important and everyone who is able should read. The book was written by Pete Hegseth and has been on the Best Seller lists for many weeks. It is called The War on Warriors and the subtitle is: Behind the Betrayal of the Men who keep us Free. It is how the Globalists in our government are trying to bring America down so we will be just another ordinary country. Not the exceptional country and the keeper of Peace which we have traditionally been. If you are not aware of this you should be. Our military is what makes our nation strong, and when strong, ensures peace. Peace through strength is simply common sense. When the strongest person in the school yard is the good guy, the bad guys all behave.

So, what have the globalists in our current administration done to weaken our military? For one thing, instead of maintaining our warfare capabilities they have substituted programs on social engineering in our military units. What does maintaining our warfare capabilities mean? It means providing the manpower, the weapons, and support to close with the enemy and kill them.  Yes, military units, particularly tip of the spear units like the Marines and Airborne must maintain tiptop warfare readiness so they can be deployed on short notice. The book, The War on Warriors explains how that is being changed.

So how good is our military now? Each year the Heritage Foundation publishes its index of the U. S. Military Strength. The 650-page report card for every branch of the U.S. military. Its 2024 report is blunt, “as currently postured, the U. S. military is at significant risk of not being able to defend America’s vital interests.” For the second year in a row our military is rated as “weak”. This is a direct result of substituting training for warfare for social engineering. Social engineering means using DEI for selection instead of merit and installing “woke” subjects into training including such as proper pronouns instead of training on proficiency with weapons. Keep in mind that the military was the first large, national institution to be successfully racially integrated. Yet today’s troops are being harassed by obligatory training – and eventually “standards” – grounded in Critical Race Theory, radical sex theories, gender policies, and “domestic extremism” that are designed to neuter out our fighting forces. In the name of going forward we are going backward, destroying our military from within. And yes, it is intentional.  Just ask all the perfectly healthy young troops the Pentagon kicked out because they wouldn’t take an experimental vaccine with unknown side effect.

Even more disturbing they began a campaign to search out what were considered extreme domestic terrorists in the military ranks. As it turned out they rarely found any but as expected it demoralized and weakened the military. You may recall the General who said he wanted to understand “white rage”. This was all part of the move to search for extreme domestic terrorists in the military ranks.  This was another move to weaken our military often by considering some of our most patriotic, aggressive, soldiers as domestic terrorists. This has all been carried out by Generals who are promoted because they are believers is social engineering rather than traditional military training and traditions. With this approach you might expect some failures and there were, but if you believe in social engineering no one will ever be fired or held accountable. The worst (or best) example of this was the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in which thirteen Americans were killed and 170 Afgans died when an ISIS-K suicide bomber detonated outside the Abbey Gate. This was a failure of leadership and should not have happened. There was no accountability for the attack that killed the Americans nor for the retaliatory strike in which we killed innocent civilians. When our incompetent leaders are not held accountable that demoralizes and weakens the military and sends a message to our allies and enemies.

The book mentioned using DEI as a criterion for being selected to be in the military. DEI is not even a good criterion for corporations but it is disastrous when applied to the military. DEI means Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Diversity and Inclusion implies that we want to include everyone in the military, not just a select few. On the surface this may not seem inappropriate, but the killer is the word Equity! Some time back (May 23, 2021) I posted a blog on Equity. I explained Equity meant equal outcomes, not equal opportunities. Clearly this means when you include everyone, it means that in order to have equal outcomes, the capabilities of the group are limited to the least competent or weakest member. And the social engineering advocates want to include women in ground combat roles. Women have demonstrated that they can perform quite well in some combat roles such as handling high performance aircraft, sophisticated electronic equipment, and cyber warfare. And in past wars (notable WW2) they excelled in guerrilla warfare and spying, often displaying extreme courage. So clearly the military is not against women in combat, where they draw the line is when they want them to be infantrypersons. And the various military services pushed back against that directive. So, the Administration demanded for real factual data that infantry units with women would be less efficient. The United State Marine Corps provided such a study.

Before I give the details of the USMC study, it is probably good to remind those who were not aware, I am an eleven-year veteran of the Marines. I served as an officer with two very different military specialties, infantry and advanced electronics. My eleven-year career included a tour in combat in Vietnam. The study was on women fighting alongside men. The Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force (ITF) was made up of 300 male Marines and 100 female Marines who trained together at Twenty-nine Palms in California and were compared to a group of 400 all male Marines. The ITF was comprised of 134 tasks performed that would determine a training environment akin to battle-like conditions. (Remember this was not a fifty-fifty comparison- even the male-female unit was overwhelmingly male.) Otherwise, the results would have been even more dramatic. The all-male Marines performed better 70 percent of the time- complementing 93 out of the 134 tasks better than the gender-integrated units. The all -male Marines were found to be faster and more accurate with weapons. Which is very important when you are in the business of killing the enemy. The gender-integrated unit did lead the all -male Marines in one important category, injuries. The female Marines were injured at twice the rate of the men. The results were reported in the Washington Post on October 15,2015 and is shown below:

The Marines found that women in the integrated unit were injured twice as often, less accurate with infantry weapons and not as good at removing wounded comrades from the line of fire. Units comprising all men also were faster than units with women at completing tactical movements, especially while carrying large “crew-served” weapons like machine guns and mortars, the study found.

Despite the factual data provided, the Secretary of the Navy decided to go with the social engineering DEI concept of women in infantry units.  However, this study did cause the Secretary of Defense to pause the integration into ground combat units. The result is that to fully integrate women into ground combat units the physical standards had to be lowered for women. The author gives an example of the Army’s Airborne school. Women have long attended Airborne School but now that women in infantry units need to attend the course, the standards have changed. The daily five-mile run has disappeared. Too many women were washing out so the run went away. Clearly this weakens our military. The author gave three examples of women in combat roles with mixed results. Today military units are trying to deploy women in infantry roles is such a way that the efficiency of the units is not degraded too much and the women are not injured. This is wrong and needs to change.

We are living with this type of weakened military today. But this book is primarily about Pete Hegseth’s story and the final blow came when he was told that he was no longer wanted in the military (after 20 years of service). He became a victim of the hunt for domestic terrorists in the military (that program never went away and is still going on). As it turns out the military assigns persons to monitor social media accounts to search for evidence of domestic terrorists. Pete Hegseth was tagged for special attention because he was a patriotic, aggressive warrior. On one series of vacation posts was a picture with his chest bare and he had four crosses tattooed on his chest. They determined it was a white nationalist symbol and he was designated a domestic terrorist. It was a Jerusalem Cross, which anyone who knew Pete personally knew it represented his devotion to Christ. But that didn’t matter he was designated a domestic terrorist. So, Pete decided to leave the military after twenty years of service, and we lost a patriotic warrior with three overseas deployments. Trained and ready, with combat experience.

This motivated Pete to write the book, The War on Warriors, and concluded that the only way this could change was to vote out those responsible for this social experiment in the military so we could return the military to its famous warfare capabilities.  I have purposely not included names of politicians and military leaders who were responsible for weakening the military (Pete does!) and I have never indicated how anyone reader of my blogs should vote but I agree with Pete, the current Democrat administration needs to be voted out. Otherwise, nothing will change. My reason for writing about the book on my website was to add to the exposure this book needs. For veterans, like me, I could not believe the changes being made, including searching for domestic terrorists in our military. Get the book, read it and decide for yourselves but we must save our military.

Semper Fi

Will Lannes

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