By Joseph Selbie

I frequently have one-on-one coffee meetings with friends. Durning one such session the person I was meeting with indicated she had just read an interesting book about a two-dimensional space in which all activities in the universe and beyond were controlled. I said that did not make sense, that it was a two-dimensional space. It would seem like something that important would have more dimensions than two. A few days later she dropped the book off at my house. The book was The Physics of God, a book about how the cosmos worked, based heavily on higher mathematics and science. Some years earlier I had published a book called, Yes Virginia there is a God and He created the Universe. Its subtitle was science proves that the prophets were right. She had read it so knew I would be interested in Selbie’s book. She was right! I shared it with others, in particular four people who had also read my previous book and who all shared an interest in this type of book. They thought it was worth studying and we agreed to meet to further discuss the book. Since it was a very difficult book to understand and required knowledge of such things as quantum mechanics and meditation as practiced by the Saints and sages, I agreed to write a synopsis of the book and distributed before we met.  This synopsis would serve as a starting point for our discussion. What follows is the synopsis of what I provided to the group of five.

I felt like my review of Selbie’s book must begin with its connection to my book, Yes Virginia there is a God and He created the Universe and that would serve as a background for Selbie’s book.  My book is based on two concepts (facts?) that God is Love and God is Light. This comes from my favorite Scripture, the First Epistle of John. The secondary theme of the Yes Virginia book is that modern science proves the prophets were right. I also introduce the concept of the new prophets, scientists, and mathematicians. whose extraordinary abilities give us insight into how the world works, some would say they provide a look into the mind of God. I also include those who have experienced near death experiences (NDEs), I considered them among the new prophets.

The new prophets, in particular Einstein and Maxwell, provide proof that the universe was created by intelligent design and the designer was none other than God himself! It has been generally accepted that the universe began with the Big Bang and Einstein showed that was possible through his mass-energy equations and I believe that the energy that initiated the Big Bang was none other than God’s Love, the most powerful force of energy in our universe. The Big Bang resulted in an extraordinary flash of light by the energy of love. So, at the instance of creation, we had both Love and Light, both provided by God.

While in Yes Virginia I mentioned the connection between science and religion by use of the energy-mass equations and the equations associated with light I only mentioned that the mystics had also come to the same conclusion but in a different way. But I did not say how they did it, other than listing some of their writings in the recommended reading list. This is where Selbie takes the subject to the next level.

What Selbie does is divide the two processes (scientists and mystics) into two groups. One he calls the science of matter which is based on the energy-mass approach and the other he calls the science of religion which is based on the transcendent approach which is the realm of the mystics. Some would call this transcendent process paranormal. He then describes how mystics reach this higher state through meditation, fasting, and lengthy prayers. In this way the mystics can visualize how the universe works in the same way that the scientists and mathematicians determine how the universe works. In my book I only deal with the energy-mass approach in what Selbie would call the science of matter.  Based on Selbie, while I did not consider NDEs as mystics, because of their transcendental experiences I would now place them in the science of religion category.

Selbie says that the primary difference between the science of religion and the science of matter is in the discovery process: the science of matter’s view of reality is based on the repeatable and consistent findings of physical experiments, the science of religion’s view of reality is based on the repeatable and consistent findings of transcendent experience.

In my book I point out that the scientists and mathematicians were upset that they could not solve all of the problems they had hoped to resolve because of the inconsistencies between gravitational relativity and quantum physics and that perhaps we would have to wait for the Grand Unified Theory of physics to resolve the inconsistencies. Selbie also addresses this by introducing advances in quantum mechanics mathematics.

Quantum mechanics has caused much consternation among physicists and others because it is difficult to understand. Selbie noted some of the weirdness of quantum physics and they are listed below:

Wave-Particle Duality

Quantum physics first counterintuitive discovery was nature’s ability to have energy behave like matter and matter can behave like energy. This is of course similar to Einstein’s energy-mass equation. This includes that light can behave either like waves or light particles (which I also pointed out in my book). But this goes further than just light and includes all energy-mass and is simply called matter wave.

The Uncertainty Principle

Physicists found that a measurement of an atom could successfully reveal only one of the two complementary properties with certainty (I also included this in my book) and it is referred to as the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. (Einstein was not particularly happy with quantum theory and stated that he did not believe that God played dice, because he knew that much of quantum theory is stated in probabilistic terms.)

The Intelligent Observer Paradox

This was not included in my book and is perhaps the “most weird” thing about quantum physics. This was the amazing fact that a matter wave takes on the behavior of matter only when it is measured by an intelligent observer! (Einstein was not happy about this either and said he hoped that when he was not looking at the moon that it was still there!)

The best-known interpretation of these three counterintuitive discoveries is the Copenhagen interpretation, named after the home city of Neils Bohr, considered the father of quantum physics and the interpretation’s primary exponent. The Copenhagen and similarly oriented interpretations were considered the pragmatic interpretations. Essentially this allowed physicists to acknowledge the weirdness of quantum mechanics but to minimize its importance.

Einstein was convinced that the Copenhagen interpretation was flawed, an incomplete interpretation that told only part of the story. He also believed that Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and the measurement problem did not really exist. He believed in something called hidden properties. Unfortunately, new mathematical proofs against hidden properties gave the upper hand to the Copenhagen interpretation theory. Quantum physics went on to discover nonlocality and entanglement. Entanglement discovered mathematically that two particles could be entangled and could instantaneously “communicate’ with each other over vast distances – faster than the speed of light. Impossible cried Einstein!

Entanglement experiments later proved that entanglement pairs could communicate faster than the speed of light. Personally, I would have agreed with Einstein that in our universe nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. That was essentially stating that something with mass (matter) such as a missile, a car, or an electron could not travel faster than light. In the case of the entangled pairs, what was transmitted were thoughts which I do not believe can be considered as matter. The fact that entanglement is related to nonlocality while the speed of light is related to locality, I believe supports Einstein’s belief. While their discussion did not seem to include time, Einstein proved that time was affected by both gravity and speed and that the closer something traveled to the speed of light, the slower time ran. If they could travel at the speed of light, then time would stand still! This I also pointed out in my book.

Nonlocal is an awkward term physicists use to describe a realm in which distance does not exist. In our world, magnetic fields lose their strength over distance. Also, it takes time for light to travel from the sun to earth. These are local effects. Counterintuitively, objects in a nonlocal realm are unaffected by distance. Because the world we perceive around us through the senses always involves distance, we find it hard to imagine such a realm. Many physicists do not know what to do with nonlocality.

Fortunately, not all physicists were ready to minimize the concept of nonlocality. David Bohm, both a physicist and mathematician grew dissatisfied with Copenhagen approach of ignoring quantum weirdness. Bohm instead embraced the fact of nonlocality and set out to understand what it could mean. He concluded that the entire cosmos is one continuous interconnected whole. He discovered mathematically that nothing can be separate from anything else because the universe and everything in it is invisibly connected to a two-dimensional, nonlocal realm.

This was an incredibly important discovery. He called this nonlocal realm that connects everything pre-space since it is space-less. He further stated that understanding nonlocality is essential to understanding the physics of God. He wrote the book, Quantum Theory, published in1951 and it remains a clear and concise explanation of basic quantum theory. He was named Fellow in the world’s most prestigious societies.

OK, it is time to catch our breath! We began by pointing out the things I included in my Yes Virginia book and began to show how Selbie took these concepts to a higher level. He pointed out that even the most intelligent physicists had difficulty in understanding quantum mechanics (so I guess we should not feel bad if we are having trouble understanding these concepts!). Einstein was unhappy with quantum mechanics. It should be noted that that each endeavored to find out how the world worked through mathematics.  We will discuss David Bohm’s mathematics shortly but he finally discovered that there existed a two-dimensional nonlocal realm which governed everything in our universe, and beyond. Many physicists believed in the existence of this two-dimensional nonlocal realm but Bohm actually proved mathematically that it existed. The existence of this two-dimensional nonlocal realm which exists outside of our universe is important to the whole concept of Selbie’s book. Selbie calls this the energy-verse.

As you will recall, the differences between the inconsistencies between gravitational relativity and quantum physics keep the scientists and mathematicians from solving many of the problems they needed to address. String theory, one of the mathematic processes of quantum physics, seeks to solve the problem of integrating these two systems by developing a deeper math that underlies them both. M-theory, string theory’s most accepted version, attempts to reconcile the difference between the two calculations by positing the higher energy predicted by quantum theory does indeed exist somewhere else. In M-theory, all dimensions exist in what are called branes (an odd term). M-theory posits that there are relatively small branes that are three-dimensional, such as our universe, and other super-large regions are two-dimensional – all of which make up the brane world -what we would more familiarly call the cosmos. What this tells us is that our universe (created by God) is a small three-dimensional bubble in a much larger cosmos. And there exists a two-dimensional nonlocal high energy brane that exist outside our universe where heaven is and God resides!

Time to catch our breath again. Recall that Bohm said that this two-dimensional high energy verse controlled everything in our universe and beyond. This is a big statement to digest. First, I have some difficulty accepting that the most important energy verse is two-dimensional. Second, that everything in our universe depends on it. We need to learn more about this energy verse.

The essential qualities of the energy-verse are that it is nearly infinite, that it exists “beyond” the physical universe (our universe), and that it contains only non-material, two-dimensional, high-frequency vibrating energy. This description matches uncannily well the descriptions of the heavens, or luminous astral regions, giving by hundreds of saints, sages, and near-death experiences. The brilliant polymath and Christian mystic Emanuel Swedenborg found that the heavens provide a template for the natural world, he referred to the connection between heaven and earth as a “correspondence”.

So how do we get from the two-dimensional nonlocal realm to our three-dimensional universe? Once again Bohm helps us. He showed mathematically that the universe, and everything in it, emerges into physical being in conformance with a hidden order that exists in pre-space (energy-verse). He called this hidden order the implicate order. He also discovered that the mathematics governing how a hologram works provided an exceptionally useful mathematical model for how the implicate order, enfolded in nonlocal two-dimensional pre-space, allows the explicate order to unfold in local three-dimensional space. Holograms are two-dimensional and Holographic projections are three-dimensional. When light interacts with the flat, two-dimensional media, however, a three-dimensional holographic projection appears. The way the universe works – from the Big Bang to the present – is the result of information existing outside the universe itself. When light energy interacts with the two-dimensional hologram in a two-dimensional brane (the pre-space or energy-verse) results in the colossal three-dimensional projection we call the universe. Selbie cautions that the idea that the universe is a holographic projection can engender bemused disbelief or outright skepticism.

Bohm’s deeper explorations of the weird side of quantum physics, and string theory’s adoption of his holographic principle, strongly suggest that the order Einstein sought not only exists but is nonlocal. Hence the existence of the nonlocal realm of a two-dimensional higher energy and higher frequency brane provides answers to many questions that have long puzzled physicists and mathematicians. The sages and near-death experiencers also say that this two-dimensional nonlocal realm is exactly what they experience in the transcendental state.

The other astonishing fact is that both the local three-dimensional realm (our universe) and the nonlocal two-dimensional realm (pre-space or energy verse) exist simultaneously as two interpenetrating realms! The reason we cannot see the two-dimensional realm is because it exists at much higher energy levels and much higher frequencies and we cannot detect its presence. What this means for us as individuals is that not only, we simultaneously inhabit both realms but also that our physical body is inseparable from our energy body:

Like the universe, our physical body is interpenetrated at every point by the hidden-to-the-senses energies of the energy-verse.

Like the universe, our physical body is an ultra-high-definition holographic projection.

Like the universe, our physical body is being continuously created according to the information in our own unique holographic energy template.

Saints and sages call our high-frequency energy body a life force and use names such as astral body, the subtle body, the spirit body. When Scriptures tell us we were made in God’s image, they were not referring to our physical body, they were referring to the nonlocal high-frequency energy body. In Christian tradition the life force is often referred to as the Holy Spirit. It is the nonlocal high frequency energy body in which NDEs reside when they watch doctors working on their physical body. The nonlocal high-frequency energy body often travels to heaven (the nonlocal two-dimensional energy verse). Selbie even has a chapter called “Ye Are Gods” which is based on the fact that our energy-verse body never dies. In a companion chapter called “Rediscovering Our Godlike Potential” he reminds us that from early childhood onward we are encouraged to learn to operate exclusively within the physical world but that we are not born naturally blind to the subtle reality in which we exist. Young children, in fact, are known to perceive many things that their parents no longer do. For example, there are many stories of children seeing angels, or as they could also be described, people in their nonlocal energy bodies. Meditation is the method that adults can use to regain the ability to become aware of our energy-verse body and reduce our awareness of our world senses. The possibility of the transcendent experience is confirmed again and again by saints, sages, and near-death experiencers (NDEs). Such transcendent experience is the essence and the promise of all religions. This god-like ability to perform healings and other miracles was promised in Scripture by Jesus:

I solemnly assure you, the man who has faith in me will do the works I do, and greater than these.

          Gospel of John 14:12

Let’s take one more deep breath and review the path we have been following. The first important thing we were introduced to was the concept of a nonlocal realm. Nonlocal is an awkward term physicists use to describe a realm in which distance does not exist.. Counterintuitively, objects in a nonlocal realm are unaffected by distance. Because the world we perceive around us through the senses always involves distance, we find it hard to imagine such a realm. Understanding or at least accepting nonlocality is essential to understanding the physics of God.

We are told that this nonlocal realm exists outside of universe and is a place where, because it is spaceless, it allows mathematical calculations, which had formally stymied mathematicians, could exist. It was also a realm in which thoughts could be transmitted instantly (faster than the speed of light!). Its existence solved many problems. This realm is where God and heaven resides! Further we are told that this exists in only two dimensions and has higher energy and frequencies than our universe and is ultra-large. The original discoverers of this realm called it pre-space because it was spaceless, Selbie calls it energy-verse and most importantly this two-dimensional high energy verse controlled everything in our universe and beyond!

Lastly it was shown that the energy-verse and our universe existed simultaneously as two interpenetrating realms! The reason we cannot see the two-dimensional realm is because it exists at much higher energy levels and much higher frequencies and we cannot detect its presence. While all of this is truly astonishing it was also predicted by Scripture:

We do not fix our gaze on what is seen but what is unseen. What is seen is transitory; what is unseen lasts forever.

                   2 Corinthians 4:18

All of these concepts were proven mathematically by physicists and mathematicians, which for an engineer, like myself, studying this subject was important. Selbie also recorded the discussions of the mathematicians studying this and indicted that there was not always agreement until the final solutions were produced. Another contribution Selbie made was that he noted that there were two separate groups that contributed to this effort. One was the scientists and mathematicians who used the energy-mass and quantum mathematics approach which he designated the science of matter. The other group was the saints, sages, and near-death experiencers which he called the science of religion. He made an effort to give as much importance to the science of religion group as to the science of matter group. I believe this is important since not all of us can do higher mathematics but all of us have the opportunity to achieve the transcendent approach. But this too takes dedication and training so while this approach may offer an opportunity to many of us, most of us will never become healers or visionaries that can see and understand the nonlocal realm which includes heaven. The difficulty in achieving this level of transcendence is mentioned in the Gospel of Mark (9:28-29) in which Jesus cures a demonic person which his apostles were unable to do and they asked why? He told them, “This kind you can drive out only by prayer”.

In this brief rap-up I have tried to point out some of the most salient points of the Physics of God. There are many more important points in the book which will require rereading and contemplative thought. But I think what Selbie has presented is feasible. I hope this review has helped.

Armed with this review, five of us met at my house and for about two hours had and interesting and revealing discussion. While most of us were skeptical, we generally came to the conclusion that what Selbie had proposed was feasible. None of us could explain the nonlocal space since it existed without dimensions. But its existence appears to be the means by which previous hurdles to complete mathematical equations were now possible. The thing I am most interested in is the statement that our physical body is inseparable from our energy body. As explained earlier in the discussion that we were made in the image of God, that is, we have a dual entity, a physical body, and a spiritual body (energy body or soul). Which are inseparable.  If you believe, as does Selbie, that everything in our universe is an illusion, that includes our physical body. Then only our energy body (the soul) is real.

I have cautioned before that these unbelievable facts come at us so fast that we need to take a break to accept these concepts before we go on. This also means that the soul or spiritual body lives in the nonlocal realm and exists at a higher frequency and energy level that most cannot see (we have already mentioned that some children have this capability to see the spiritual bodies as apparently do Saints and sages).

The existence of the two bodies has been demonstrated by the many NDEs which not only proves that heaven exists but demonstrates that it is the soul that is floating above while viewing the physical body while it is being attended to during a NDE experience. Since the soul exists in the nonlocal realm then it can communicate with other spiritual bodies by telepathy as was noted by the discovery of entanglement which allows instant communication faster than the speed of light. As the soul visited heaven (the nonlocal realm) it experienced this. I hope to explore the relationship between the body and soul in a follow-on essay which will include the concept of free will. That will be done outside this discussion of the Physics of God.

As mentioned, Selbie gave equal credit to the science of religion as he did to the science of matter. As such, he added an appendix on how to mediate. This path is also very difficult but is probably a better option for most of us than the science of matter which is heavily based on higher mathematics.

The Physics of God will never be a best seller because it is too difficult to understand by most readers, even my book, Yes Virginia was too challenging for most.  But if this review of the book intrigued you enough to pick up a copy and read it, you will not be disappointed. It is one of the most challenging and amazing books I have read. Hope you enjoy it!

Will Lannes

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