Angels, Aliens, and Afterlife

I like the title, it is almost an alliteration and hopefully it perks your interest in the connection between angels, aliens, and afterlife. This might be fun.

Angels: There are many reports of strangers suddenly appearing throughout the world to save someone and then disappearing and no one else remembering seeing them. Could they have been angels protecting us? I believe angels are here with us. My belief in angels was reinforced during my tour in Vietnam where I became convinced that my Guardian Angel was protecting me. I was a Marine Infantry Officer and although not directly involved in heavy firefights I was exposed to dangers in my role as part of the Marine Corps Combined Action Group in Thua Thien Province. I seemed to always be spared dangerous situations; being there either before or after something horrific happened. The most memorable event was a jeep blowing up with casualties the day after I drove over that very road. Having spent a year in combat in Vietnam and not suffering even a minor injury was, to me, a miracle and I credit my Guardian Angel (whomever he or she is!). So, count me among the believers in Angels.

Aliens: Here we are not talking about those persons who illegally cross our country’s Southern border. We are talking about folks from outer space. Outer space as in the far reaches of our universe. Our universe is an amazing place, very large and still expanding. As I noted in my book, Yes Virginia There is A God and He Created the Universe, it began with the Big Bang which was powered by God’s love. Each year we seem to learn more about our universe. One book, Just Six Numbers, by the renowned British Astronomer, Sir Martin Rees, show how six numbers determine how the universe is constructed and that if any of the numbers were detuned, earth, and the universe would not exist! He further states that our universe, extending immensely far beyond our present horizon, may itself be just one member of a possibly infinite ensemble. This ‘multiverse’ concept, though speculative, is a natural extension of current cosmological theories which gain credence because they account for things that we do observe. The physical laws and geometry could be different in other universes, and this offers a new perspective on the seemingly special values that the six numbers take in ours. I added the italics which were not in his original statement and I will come back to that later.

Rees’ book was written in 2000 and in it he emphasizes the importance of the SETI (Searches for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Institute in Mountain View, California. This is a relatively primitive radio search for intelligence in the universe. His emphasis seems strange since we have known for decades of civilian and military contact with UFOs (unidentified flying objects). Although they were not communicating with us, those contacts indicate that extraterrestrial intelligence was already among us.

This year, the United States Government began to release some of the data collected primarily by the military on UFOs and those observations clearly show that aliens have superior capabilities to any humans. This capability was considered a possibility when Rees talked about ‘multiverses’ Their ability to change direction at incredible speeds and to survive in the air or underwater, indicates scientific capabilities that we clearly do not have. In addition, they have shown an interest in our nuclear capabilities. The military has reported numerous contacts with UFOs that hovered over our nuclear-powered ships. In one case they were able to take over control of our hardened nuclear missile sites! The good news is that they have never been aggressive in all the decades they have been around. They do make maneuvers to protect their discovery. Other countries have reported similar sightings. So, count me among the believers of aliens.

Afterlife: It was frequently said that no one could be sure that there was life after death because no one had died and gone to heaven and returned! For what ever reason, in our time, thousands have claimed that they (their souls?) went to heaven after being declared dead and experienced the afterlife and then returned to earth. Some describing the afterlife as a place like heaven and some even a place like hell. In the beginning these claims were dismissed for various reasons. Even those who experienced what became known as near death experiences (NDEs) were reluctant to discuss them because it seemed so unbelievable. In all cases they returned to their bodies and lived. Eventually more evidence became available. People who experienced NDEs had out of bodies experiences and recalled floating over the operating room watching the doctors work on their bodies. In one case the NDE was able to tell the doctors where they left a missing instrument because he observed where they put it. In another case a young child who went to heaven told his parents that he had met his brother. The parents were amazed since they had lost a son shortly after his birth but never told any of the other children. As the near-death experiences became believable, those who experienced them wrote about it. There are now many books written about these experiences. There are even books which study the similarities of NDEs. One such book is called” Imagine Heaven”. In the book, “Imagine Heaven” the author quotes a study of 1,300 NDE cases and developed statistics on how often the core parts of the NDE experience were noted. In addition to experiencing overwhelming love, intense light, out-of-body episodes, and new dimensions they experienced the following with the frequency of the group experiencing the event as a percentage:

  1. Out of body experience 75.4%
  2. Heightened senses 74/4%
  3. Intense and generally positive emotions (peace and love) 76,2%
  4. Passing into or through a tunnel 33/8%
  5. Encountering a mystical or brilliant light 64.6%
  6. Encountering other beings or deceased relatives of friends 57.3%
  7. A sense of alteration of time or space 60.5%
  8. Life review 22.2%
  9. Encountering unworldly (heavenly) realms 52.2%
  10. Encountering or learning special knowledge 56%
  11. Encountering a boundary of barrier 31%
  12. A return to the body 58.5% were aware of the decision to return.

When we look at this list many of us may be familiar with the concept that persons that experience near death experiences have an out of body experience. The other experiences are not as well known. But note that the most reported experience (76.2%) is an intense feeling of generally positive emotions (love and peace). Remember God is Love. Note that 5 and 7, encountering a mystical or brilliant light and a sense of alteration of time and space are also the types of experiences predicted by the both the prophets and scientists. It should be noted also that what some of the NDE persons saw was very similar to what is described by the prophet, John in the last chapters of the Book of Revelation in which the New Heaven is described. Many of these descriptions were reported by children and non-Christians who had never read or even heard of the Book of Revelation. These are additional coincidences that cannot be easily explained. Truly the soul lives on after the physical body dies and you can count me among those that believe in the afterlife.

Since the soul lives on in the afterlife, do they become angels? I think the answer is yes. Perhaps one of my ancestors was my Guardian Angel who protected me in Vietnam! Something to think about.

While the general knowledge on NDEs is interesting, the individual stories provide us with the most astonishing information. One of the most astonishing stories is provided in the book, “Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife” by Dr. Eben Alexander.

Dr. Alexander’s intensive NDE took him to both a hellish place and a heavenly place. The hellish place was described as like being under a bog or underworld with weird sounds and visions. An angel appeared as a girl on butterfly wings who was taking him through his journey. She also took him through the heavenly place where she encouraged him through kind words (through telepathy) such as you will be alright. He also seemed to be connected to a God like being who he called an Orb and referred to him as Om.

When he came out of his coma, he vividly recalled his NDE experience although he had no memory of his coma. He wrote down his experience which eventually became his book. Here is the statement he wrote that I found so astonishing.

“Through the Orb, Om told me that there is not one universe, but many – in fact, more than I could conceive – but that love lay at the center of them all. Evil was present in all the other universes as well, but only in the tiniest trace amounts. Evil was necessary because without it free will was impossible, and without free will, there could be no growth – no forward movement, no chance for us to become what God longed for us to be. Horrible and all-powerful as evil sometime seemed to be in a world like ours, in the larger picture love was overwhelmingly dominant, and it would ultimately be triumphant.

I saw the abundance of life throughout the countless universes, including some whose intelligence was advanced far beyond that of humanity. I saw there were countless higher dimensions but the only way to know these dimensions is to enter and experience them directly. They cannot be known or understood from lower dimensional space. Cause and effect exist in these higher realms, but outside of our earthly conception of them. The world of time and space in which we move in this terrestrial realm is tightly and intricately meshed within these higher worlds. In other words, these worlds aren’t totally apart from us, because all worlds are part of the same overarching divine Reality. From those higher worlds one could access any time or place in our world”

I have italicized the statement about beings with higher intelligence in some of the universes. This seems to fit the characteristics of aliens and is the first direct evidence of their existence in our expanding universe. It also seems to provide evidence of other universes (wormholes, etc.). Since his NDE was so deep and intensive it may be one of the only looks at the existence of multiple universes and higher intelligence beings and all created by GOD! Note also that the center of each of these universes is Love. Love is powerful.

There is one other thing I should mention about his book. After he wrote down what he remembered about his NDE he began to read about the many episodes of NDE of other persons and noted that most met someone they knew or were related to and he did not. This was a disappointment to him. However, he also reveals in his book that he was adopted and much later in life he found out that his biological parents got married and had several more children and he began to correspond with them. He found out that he had a sister that had passed away. He did not know her and asked if they would send him a picture of her which they did. When he received the picture, he was amazed, she was the spitting image of the girl on butterfly wings! It was his biological sister!

Now if Dr. Alexander’s story did not amaze and astonish you, I will begin to worry about you. But that’s ok because as this blog unravels you may be beginning to worry about me! Which leads me to my wrap-up of this blog. I believe we have successfully indicated that there exist extraterrestrial aliens who probably come from some multiverse in our enormous universe and who are presently living among us. Who are these people? They have apparently been with us for a long time, are vastly superior to us but have not acted aggressively toward us. Could they be angels sent to keep us humans from self-destruction? OK, you say now I have gone a bridge too far; don’t these little aliens have two big eyes and bodies that resemble the GEICO lizard without the tail? Didn’t God say he made us in His image? Yes, but what does that mean? He did not make our physical being to be like him (it dies), he made or soul to be like him, so that we (our soul) could also live forever, hopefully with Him! So, they could be benevolent angels sent to keep us from destroying ourselves rather than destroying us. Let’s hope I am right! So, can you count me among those who believe that aliens are angels? No, not yet, but the possibility is there. We have a lot to learn.

They say we should think outside of the box! I believe I have done that. Hope it has caused you to think deeply. Let me know what you think.

Will Lannes

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