God is Love In the introduction to my book, The Immortal Soul. I wondered when I first became interested in the human body and soul.
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A Voice Crying Out For Freedom
Let's Talk
My experience and education allow me to comment with informed insight in the areas of engineering, management, leadership, motivation, finance, education, and related subjects. And while I intend to address those subjects my primary reason for establishing this blog is my concern for our gradual loss of free speech (in a country founded on and noted for its many freedoms) and perhaps the most important concern I have is the emotional divide that presently exists among our citizens. That divide has grown so great we generally can no longer have civil debates in the search of needed solutions for our country’s problems. Some of my future blogs will involve the importance of relationships. We need to get to know each other, to build up trust and respect before we will be capable of tackling issues that need solutions, such as the erosion of free speech. Sometimes that means the blogs may be about our hobbies or fishing or discussing the importance of the Golden Ratio. One important issue is education, especially K-12. Providing excellent K-12 education positively affects everything from social justice to winning the technology war. I will try to present my blogs in an interesting but none offensive way. We don’t need to add gasoline to a country that is already literally burning up. Our country needs more face to face conservations, which because of the lockdowns could be by telephone or possible through a blog (the lockdowns have hurt everything). I hope this blog can serve that purpose.
This will be a tough task. But we need to talk.
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The War On Warriors
The War on Warriors As I sometimes do, I will introduce and discuss a book which I believe is important and everyone who is able
The Wars of Good vs Evil
The Wars of Good vs Evil The image accompanying this blog is a picture of the cover of the book, Science at the Doorstep to